Getting More Out of the Mass: Unlocking the life changing power of Christ’s Real Presence
by: Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D.
Everyone knows that the Catholic Church’s teaching on the Mass emphasizes the real presence of Christ in the sacrament of the Eucharist. But what precisely does this mean? In what way is Jesus really present in this sacrament? And if he is so especially present in the Eucharist, how can we unlock the power of his presence so as to make each Mass a life-changing experience?
As a theologian and father of five, Marcellino D’Ambrosio can answer these questions with both theological depth and practical common sense. He has both contemplated on the Eucharist with the mystics and spent many of his Sunday mornings trying to keep infants and toddlers from disrupting the liturgy. This CD, which integrates both perspectives, is therefore enlightening, inspiring, entertaining, and eminently practical! After listening to this talk, your experience of the Mass will be forever changed.
A few Highlights of “Getting More out of the Mass”:
This CD is great for teens, adults, catechists, RCIA and confirmation candidates, and makes a wonderful confirmation gift. Its strong biblical basis and common sense approach make it a great tool to share Catholic faith in the Eucharist with non-Catholic Christians as well.
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