
I Believe – The Heart of Catholic Faith: DVD Set


A four-part faith formation series on the Creed
by: Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D.

When people ask about the articles of faith Roman Catholics profess, where is a person to begin? After all, Catholic doctrine covers a great deal of ground — there are Catholic beliefs about the Virgin Mary, articles of Roman Catholic faith on Purgatory, Catholic doctrines on Papal Infallibility as well as dogmas about the sacraments. But what are the most basic beliefs of Roman Catholicism?

In “I Believe,” a dynamic, four-part video series on the Nicene Creed, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio explains how the very heart of the Catholicism is all about intimate, personal relationship with God. It’s about a community of love between three Divine Persons, and the powerful, loving way that each of those Divine Persons breaks into our world to transform our lives. This series explains how faith is not irrational but the most reasonable response possible to God’s amazing deeds.

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“I Believe” follows the outline of the Nicene Creed, but don’t be mistaken–it is far from a stuffy, academic presentation of the basic beliefs of Roman Catholicism!  Full of enlightening metaphors and colorful anecdotes, “I Believe” leads its audience not only to clearer understanding of the articles of faith Roman Catholics profess, but a deeper love relationship with God the Father, Son, and Spirit. 


The Creed is one of the most important of Catholic prayers.  And this series, since it is a commentary on the Creed, has an inspiring, spiritual impact, leading its viewers to prayer and deeper conversion.  In fact, it was originally presented in an RCIA purification and enlightenment retreat.


But “I Believe” is also a very effective mini-course in Catholic apologetics, discussing the basic beliefs of a Roman Catholic and providing Catholic answers to many of the questions that the Creed was composed to address:

  • Why would the Creator of the Universe be concerned with my trifling problems and preoccupations?  Doesn’t He have better things to do?
  • How can we calll God “Father” in this age so preoccupied with the equality of the sexes?
  • Do Catholics still believe in angels and demons, or are these just relics of a pre-scienfitic age?
  • Are we saved by faith or by our own good deeds?
  • What is faith anyway, and how is it different from irrational superstition?
  • Isn’t it enough just to believe in God and try to be a good person?
  • Isn’t Jesus only a great moral teacher?  If he is the Savior, how is it that he saved us?
  • Why did Jesus have to die?
  • Isn’t the resurrection of Jesus just a symbolic way of saying that he lives on in our hearts?
  • Who is the Holy Spirit and what difference does he make in our lives?
  • What is the Church and why is it necessary?  Why do I need organized religion?
  • Is the afterlilfe about finally being liberated from the body and enjoying life as pure spirits?

We’re convinced that once you examine the “I Believe” series, you’ll agree that it is one of the most effective and useful Catholic resources to be developed in many years.  Its four talks are fast-moving, peppered with humor, stories and practical examples.  And, given that they are only 30 minutes long, the talks leave lots of time for group discussion.  Plus, the accompanying workbook to the “I Believe” Series, complete with discussion questions and a wealth of activities for teens and adults alike, makes it perfect either for individual use, a four week segment for a bible study group, or formal catechetical use by Catholic high schools, RCIA, or Adult Faith Formation classes.