Italy Pilgrimage 2024 and 2025 Q & A

Q. I'd like to go, but if I purchase a ticket for this pilgrimage, how can I protect my investment in the event of some disruption in international travel or in my own personal life?

A. Though we are very confident at this time that the pilgrimage will proceed according to plan and prove to be an amazing journey, we strongly recommend Cancel For Any Reason Insurance which would refund 90% of your trip cost should you be unable to travel for any reason whatsoever.  This insurance can be purchased through Select International Tours at the time your register and deposit for the trip.

Q. What class of hotels are we staying in during the Crossroads Initiative Italy Pilgrimage?

A. We stay in deluxe, superior, first-class hotels.  While the interiors are all up-to-date, our hotel near Assisi, is a quaint, historic building in the countryside that is a 5 star spa and wine resort.  Our Rome hotel, is within walking distance of the papal basilica of St. Mary Major.  Our hotel in Florence is right in the historic center of town within walking distance of the historic Ponte Vecchio (bridge over the Arno River) and the Duomo.   Such ideal locations in comfortable accommodations are rare to find in group pilgrimages and cost a bit more, but make such a difference in the pilgrimage experience.

For any additional question on our accommodations, call Jane at Select International 800-842-4842 

Q. What flights will we be taking? And would it be possible to upgrade to premium economy or business class?

A.  Our tour company, Select International, has arranged a group rates from DFW airport.  However, the group rate is only guaranteed through January 16. For current pricing and flight information, call Jane Allison at 800-842-4842 or email her  Select International is very accommodating in helping you upgrade, if you wish to move to premium economy or business class based on availability.   If you don’t live near Dallas,  Select International will be happy to help you arrange flights that will be convenient for you from your airport of choice.

Q. What will our guides be like on this Tour of Italy?

A.  A tour of holy and historical places is only as good as your guide.   Many local guides leave much to be desired in terms of their knowledge, their ability to comment on the spiritual significance of a particular site for Christians, and their command of English.  Marcellino D’Ambrosio (aka “Dr. Italy”) has twin academic specialties make him an extraordinary guide to Italy—he is an expert in theology and Church history.  He is also a fascinating guide to Italian wines and cuisine.  Furthermore, his commentary, however informative, is always understandable and spiritually uplifting.  He will be assisted by his friend Maurizio, an English-speaking Italian guide whose commentary on Italian culture and history will dove-tail perfectly with Dr Italy’s contributions .   It has taken us years to identify Catholic guides of this caliber — of the thousands of local guides available for tours, Maurizio and those who will assist us in specific venues are the cream of the crop.

Q. Will this be a tour or a spiritual pilgrimage?

A.  Both.  We will have wonderful times of prayer, liturgy & music daily, with Mass in one of the holy places that we visit each day!   Each person who wishes will have the opportunity to serve as a lector in one of our special masses.  But the information and insight you will get into the places we visit and the saints who lived and died there will be extraordinary.  On the other hand, what you will learn about the general culture, history, wines and cuisine of Italy will also delight you.

Q. Who is arranging all the practicalities of the tour?

A.  Select International Tours is our US Tour company and are available Monday – Friday to assist you.  We have a dedicated tour manager for our pilgrimages – Jane Allison 800-842-4842.   On the ground in Italy, Select International will be assisted by an Italian company that knows the ins and outs of Italy.  Should any problem arise, we don’t need to call the States for help.  The local tour office will be in constant touch with us and will actually have a tour manager with us on the bus wherever we go.

Q. Can I take your Italy tour but arrange for my own air transportation? I’d like to use Frequent flyer miles.

A.  Absolutely.  The price for the land only package is listed on the itinerary pages for the Pilgrimage. But remember, you’ll have to arrange for your own transfers from airport (Venice) to first hotel (Padua) and final hotel (either Florence or Rome) to your departure airport (Florence or Rome) .  Our tour company can help you with this.

Q. What is the weather like in April and May?

A.  April and early May weather is generally mild and pleasant, with some cool days in certain regions, and average highs running between mid-50’s to low 70’s Fahrenheit. It can be quite sunny, so don’t forget sunscreen.  Assisi and other areas in the mountains – such as San Giovanni Rotondo – can be chilly, especially in the evening.  Temperatures in Rome are a little warmer, highs generally being in the upper 60s to upper 70s Fahrenheit at this time of year. Keep in mind that shoulders and legs (to the knees) must be covered in order to enter churches in Italy.  Shorts or Capris that cover the knees are acceptable.  A shawl or scarf can be carried and used to cover shoulders for women who might like to wear a sundress while touring.

Q. Is much walking required?

A.  A good amount of walking is made necessary by the fact that in Rome, for example, you can’t get large tour buses close to areas that we want to visit.  A tour, for example, of the Vatican Museum and Sistine chapel, requires much walking.  We can’t accommodate passengers who need a wheelchair on this trip, and the trip would also be too much for those who need a walker.  For those who have a bit of difficulty walking and require a cane, the trip is possible.  It is challenging, but well worth it.  Expect to walk about 10,000 to 12,000 steps per day.

Q. What sort of reading should we do to prepare for this trip?

A.  There are many great resources that would help you prepare yourself to get the most out of the trip.  One of the many lives of St.  Francis would be ideal, such as St. Francis of Assisi: A biography (Servant Books, 1979) by Omer Englebert.  St. Clare of Assisi: Light from the Cloister, by Bret Thoman (Tan Books, 2017), is recommended.  The famous move on Michelangelo, the Agony and the Ecstasy, can be obtained on DVD from Ignatius Press and is very worthwhile.  You can also read the historical novel by that name (by Irving Stone) on which the movie is based.  In terms of the art of the Italian Renaissance which we will see in Florence and Rome, there is an inexpensive illustrated guide by Boris von Brauchitsch called Renaissance: An Illustrated Historical Overview which is part of Barron’s Crash Course Series (Barrons, 2000).  Really, the resources on the Catholic saints and the art of just Rome, and Assisi are truly overwhelming.  So it all depends on how much time you have, what saints you feel drawn to, and what you are interested in.  (Recommendations for Padre Pio and Eucharistic miracles coming soon)

Q. Will daily Mass and Confessions be available on this pilgrimage?

A. Yes! Our group will have Mass daily in some of the most special and moving places in Italy.  Since we will have a priest traveling with us, confession and the Sacrament of the Sick will also be available for our pilgrims.

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