Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio
Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio offers a spirited 8-part mediation on the Virtues in this new EWTN Home Video– covered are the four moral virtues – Fortitude, Prudence, Justice, and Temperance – as well as the three theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity.
The Virtues-Seven Habits of Champions lays out how God’s inspiration for Christian living, contained in the Scriptures and made known through the Catechism and Church documents, is accessible to everyone and demonstrated for us through the lives of the saints. We are all called to holiness. And though the practice of these seven “habits,” heroic virtue can be attained!
Each of the two DVDs contains 4 episodes aired on EWTN!
The Virtues, Tape 1:
Introduction to the Virtues
The Cardinal Virtue of Prudence
The Cardinal Virtue of Justice
The Cardinal Virtue of Temperance
The Virtues, Tape 2:
The Cardinal Virtue of Fortitude
The Theological Virtue of Faith
The Theological Virtue of Hope
The Theological Virtue of Charity
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