St. Hildegard of Bingen
In this 14 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses the inspiring life of the great f...
A 14 minute podcast. Sonrise Morning show host Anna Mitchell interviews Dr. Italy about the meaning of the Solemnity of Sts Peter & Paul on June 29 . Why the martyrdom of these two pre-eminent apostles in Rome gave special status to the Roman Church which lasts till this day.
June 29 for centuries has been the day on which the Church honors the memory of very different men who were united in love for Jesus Christ unto death. These two apostles were first and foremost disciples of Jesus who followed Christ’s invitation to pick up the cross and follow him.
Peter and Paul died in the persecution of the emperor Nero. The place of Peter’s crucifixion and burial was none other than Vatican hill. In fact, the present St. Peter’s basilica stands over his tomb. Paul was beheaded and buried outside the walls of the Eternal City; the Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside the Walls covers Paul’s tomb. So, it was the tombs of these two apostles that made Rome the pre-eminent site of Christian pilgrimage from the 4th century to the present, second only to Jerusalem in importance.
Dr. Italy’s Italy: Crossroads of Christendom pilgrimage took place in 2021 and included prayerful visits to the marvelous monuments to these two incomparable apostles. It also included visits to the other extraordinary saints of Rome and central Italy — among them St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare, St. Ignatius of Loyola, St. Catherine of Siena, and St. Philip Neri.
Dr. Italy appears regularly on the Sonrise Morning show, a production of Sacred Heart Radio. This show is on the air Monday through Friday over the EWTN Global Catholic Radio network with over 120 local affiliate stations in the US. Podcasts from the Sonrise Morning show are available on both Sacred Heart radio site and
To subscribe to Dr. Italy’s weekly podcast and never miss an episode, visit or the Catholic Heritage with Dr Italy podcasts on iTunes
Banner/featured image of the Roman Colosseum by Luis Magão on Scopio. Used with permission.
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