Divine Revelation – How & Why? Video

Video in which Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Ph.D. discusses the how and why of Divine Revelation – God’s purpose for revealing himself and the way he goes about it.

God enters into human history and reveals himself for a purpose – and it not exclusively or even primarily that we might have correct information about the world and about how to live. Facts and proper information are not unimportant, of course.  But God reveals himself.  He does simply reveal facts about him.  He desires that we come to a personal acquaintance, a knowledge through experience and relationship.  And this knowledge is so that we might be saved and transformed.  This is the purpose of divine revelation.

And when it comes to the “how” he chooses to reveal himself and communicate with us, he accommodates himself to the way we communicate with one another.  He uses not only words, but actions, gestures, and deeds in his self-revelation.  God’s word comes to us in human words and gestures.

This video on divine revelation is #4 in the Catholic Distance University’s masters theology course on Fundamental Theology, Revelation & Faith.

This lecture on revelation is part of the course entitled Theology 510 – Fundamental Theology – Revelation & Faith, which is a required course in the M.A. program of the Catholic Distance University (CDU). For more information on the program and taking this and other courses for academic credit, visit the CDU Website.  For additional videos from this course, visit the FUNDAMENTAL THEOLOGY LIBRARY of the Crossroads Initiative.

Banner image- photo of a rugged cross by eberhard grossgasteiger on Unsplash.

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