St. Andrew Christmas Novena
This beautiful prayer is traditionally said 15 times a day, from the feast of St...
Thomas Becket was born in London in 1119. A cleric of the diocese of Canterbury, he became chancellor to King Henry II and then, in 1162, was chosen Archbishop of Canterbury through the king's influence. His tireless defense of the rights of the Church against his old friend, King Henry II, prompted the king to exile Becket to France for six years. After returning to his homeland, he endured many trials and in 1170 was murdered by henchmen of the king. The king subsequently was required to do public penance, walking barefoot three miles to the tomb of the martyr at the Canterbury cathedral where he was then publicly scourged. The martyr's tomb was the greatest pilgrimage destination in the middle ages before it was destroyed by Henry VIII during the 16th century Protestant Reformation. St. Thomas' feastday is Dec 29, the fifth day of the Christmas Octave. Bio by Dr. Italy.