St. Hildegard of Bingen
In this 14 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses the inspiring life of the great f...
What makes a particular Church Council Ecumenical? How many have fit this definition down through history, and what is their importance and authority? The Catholic and Orthodox Churches have related but somewhat different answers to these questions.
Catholic theologians recognizes a total of 21 Ecumenical councils (there is no officially binding list) the last fourteen of which took place in the West. The Eastern Orthodox recognize only these first seven as being truly ecumenical or universal since they happened before the eastern and western patriarchates were rent by the thousand-year schism which has yet to be healed. For Catholic theologians, a council is deemed ecumenical if it is approved and recognized by the pope to be such. The Orthodox require that a council be approved by the Patriarchs of Rome (the Pope), Constantinople, Antioch, Alexandria, and Jerusalem to be authentically ecumenical. This is known as the theory of the Pentarchy, or government by the five ancient patriarchates.
These ancient councils, besides their important doctrinal definitions, also promulgated canons or laws governing the discipline of the churches (e.g., liturgical laws, etc.) which, though important in their day, are not understood by the Catholic church as “irreformable” or unchangeable in the way that the doctrinal decisions are. Here is the list of the first seven ecumenical councils accepted by Catholics, Orthodox, and many Protestant Christians:
Posted at 02:36h, 16 AprilProtestants only accept the first six, rejecting veneration of images.
Eddie Habte Mekasha
Posted at 19:13h, 14 MarchPraise God for the early church councils who worked hard to brought settlement overcoming conflicts and differences in the global church body.We should remember and continue the first church council by apostles that the elders of the global church need to meet to have same confession as per scripture for any issues arise from time to time (Acts 15)