Why Advent is all about Hope – Podcast

In this 13 minute podcast, Sonrise Morning Show host Anna Mitchell Interviews Dr. Italy on Advent as a season of Hope.  What precisely is Scripture talking about when it tells us that hope is one of the most important things a Christian needs?  And what does hope have to do with Advent?

Hope is, according to St. Paul and the Catholic Church, one of the three theological virtues.  We hear a lot about the other two – faith and love – but when is the last time anyone has heard a good homily on hope?

Italy 2025 Jubilee Holy Year Pilgrimage Rome

In this podcast, Dr. Italy explains what the virtue of hope is, how is differs from what we commonly refer to when we talk about hope in everyday life, and how to cultivate this important virtue during the Advent season, which is actually an entire season dedicated to the theme of hope.

FOR A FREE ADVENT & 12 DAYS OF CHRISTMAS “CHEAT SHEET” with many practical suggestions on how you and your family or study group can hope to make this the best Advent and Christmas Season ever, either sign up for free on our email list HERE or confirm your existing subscription and then email us at info@crossroadsinitiative.com asking for your free copy.  This document is not posted publicly on our website and is for our subscribers only.

Dr. Italy appears regularly on the Sonrise Morning show, a production of Sacred Heart Radio.  We hope you will listen to this show broadcast live Monday through Friday via the EWTN Global Catholic Radio, a network of over 120 local affiliate stations in the US.  You can find podcasts from the Sonrise Morning Show on both the Sacred Heart radio site and www.crossroadsinitiative.com.

To subscribe to Dr. Italy’s weekly podcast and hopefully never miss an episode, visit http://crossroadsinitiative.libsyn.com/ or the Catholic Heritage with Dr Italy podcasts on iTunes

Banner/featured image by Christi Page on FreeImages. Public domain.

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