St. Hildegard of Bingen
In this 14 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses the inspiring life of the great f...
In this 14 minute podcast, Anna Mitchell of the Sonrise Morning Show interviews Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio on Pentecost and how the Power of the Holy Spirit truly makes the Gospel Good News, leading to both personal breakthrough and explosive growth in the life of the Church. The difference that the Spirit makes is remarkable.
Without the Pentecost, the gospel is not really “Good News.” Many people actually experience Christianity as bad news. The Ten Commandments were impossible for even King David to keep. Though Christians are justified by grace through faith and receive friendship with God as a pure gift, they are still called to live the gospel lifestyle, as portrayed by the Beatitudes and the Sermon on the Mount. Trying to do this on will-power alone is a pure recipe for guilt and frustration.
It is the gift of the Holy Spirit that brings us interior power to live according to the commands of the Lord, which leads to joy and freedom The outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles led to their personal transformation and the explosive growth of the early church. This podcast discusses how to unlock this power, received in baptism and confirmation, in our own lives, in order to stimulate growth in Christ and fruitfulness in mission.
Banner/featured image Pentecost by Jean II Restout. Public domain.
For more resources for Pentecost, see the Pentecost section of the Crossroads Initiative Library.
To subscribe to Dr. Italy’s weekly podcast and never miss an episode, visit or the Catholic Heritage with Dr Italy podcasts on iTunes
Dr. Italy appears weekly on the Sonrise Morning show, a production of Sacred Heart Radio. You can listen to this show broadcast live Monday through Friday via the EWTN Global Catholic Radio, a network of over 120 local affiliate stations in the US. You can find podcasts from the Sonrise Morning on both Sacred Heart radio site and
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