St. Andrew Christmas Novena
This beautiful prayer is traditionally said 15 times a day, from the feast of St...
Video 6 in Liturgy & Sacraments seies by Dr. Italy that explains how the roots of the Church’s liturgical year and cycle of feasts are to be found in the celebrations of ancient Israel as shown in the Old Testament Scriptures.
To understand the liturgical cycle of the Catholic Church today, we have to go back not just to the early church or even the New Testament, but to Jewish worship and celebration as mandated by God in the Old Testament.
Jews in the time of Jesus sanctified each day with sacrifices and prayers. The week was also made holy principally by the sabbath observance but, by Jesus’ time, by weekly days of fast and penance. And of course there was the yearly cycle of feasts such as Passover.
All these have their counterparts in the rhythm of Catholic liturgical life as this video shows.
This is video 6 in Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio’s series of lectures on Liturgy and Sacraments for the Catholic Distance University.
For the previous video in the series, click here.
For the next video in the series, click here.
Banner/featured image by Dave Herring on Unsplash. Public domain.
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