Catechetical Conferences

From 1994 to 2001, Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio devoted his full attention to serving religious educators and administrators seeking a Masters Degree in Theology from the University of Dallas.


Since 2001, he has continued to serve Catholic catechetical leaders by offering keynotes and workshops for a variety of catechetical conferences and in-service events for Catholic School teachers.  His speaking has both encouraged educators in their own spiritual life and ongoing development and provided them images, stories and new ways of explaining the sacraments, morality, and faith that can be directly shared with students whether they be children, teens, or adults.  Some of the most popular talks to educators have been:


The Sacraments: God’s Body Language

Confirmation: Sacrament of Mission

Who Needs Confession?

Discipleship as the Greatest Adventure

I Believe: the Heart of Catholic Faith


For a full description of these talks and a full list of Dr. Italy’s topics, see his Topics Page.



The following are a few of the events at which he has appeared:

  • National Catechetical Leadership Conference, San Diego
  • The World Meeting of Families 2015 in Philadelphia
  • National Association of Catholic Family Life Ministers Conference, Milwaukee, WI
  • The University of Dallas Ministries Conference
  • Archdiocese of Winnipeg Catholic Schools Conference
  • Archdiocese of San Antonio Catholic Formation and Leadership Conference
  • Archdiocese of Miami Catechetical Conference
  • Catechetical Conference of Eastern Pennsylvania
  • Diocese of Superior Catechetical Conference
  • Diocese of Nashville Catechetical Conference
  • Diocese of St. Joseph, Mo. Catechetical Conference
  • Diocese of Grand Rapids Catechetical Conference
  • Diocese of Corpus Christi Ministries Day
  • Diocese of Tyler Discipleship Conference
  • National Conference for Catechetical Leadership
  • Diocese of Providence Catechetical Conference
  • Springfield New Evangelization Conference
  • Diocese of Ft. Worth Ministry Formation Day
  • Diocese of Omaha Catholic Teachers In-Service Day

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