It is not hard to see that the burden of spiritual leadership in the family and parish often falls disproportionately upon women. Spiritual renewal and evangelization of Catholic men is therefore a high priority if we want to see more vital Catholic parishes, stronger Catholic homes, and happier wives, mothers, and children. Catholic men need help in discovering their call to spiritual leadership and discovering an authentically Christian masculinity as opposed to the false image of manhood prevalent in our culture. And they need to learn how to support each other as a band of brothers in their quest to become better husbands and fathers. Dr. Italy, as a men’s conference and retreat speaker, brings to the table a rich background in the understanding of scripture and the Catholic tradition coupled with over thirty years of experience of marriage and family life. In fact, he often shares the stage with his adult sons who have a passion for the recovery of a truly masculine spirituality that is life-giving to men and the families they serve.

Dr. Italy’s most requested talks by men’s conference organizers are:
Fathers and Brothers
Manly Virtue
Keeping your Kids Catholic
Family as the Domestic Church
Islam: Friend or Foe?
Why Be Catholic
Who Needs Confession
For a descriptions of these talks and a full list of his talks, visit Dr. Italy’s topics page.
Men’s Conferences where Dr. Italy has spoken:
Cincinnati Catholic Men’s Conference
Diocese of Harrisburg Men’s Conference
Des Moines Men’s Conference
Great Lakes Men’s Conference
Catholic Men’s Fellowship of Baltimore
North Texas Men’s Conference EMCEE
Allentown Men’s Conference
Houma-Thibodeaux Catholie Men’s Conference
St. Patrick’s Men’s Conference, Bloomington IL
St. Boniface Men’s Retreat, Lafayette, IN
St. Mary’s Men’s Retreat, Solon IA
Man-up Philadelphia
Light the Fire Fort Wayne Men’s Conference
Diocese of Worcester, MA Men’s Conference
West Texas Men’s Conference
Diocese of Rochester Men’s Conference