Since 2003, I’ve had the privilege of speaking for the Catholic executive leadership organization, Legatus, and writing for Legatus magazine. Helping Catholic business leaders integrate faith into their professional lives and be effective ambassadors of Christ in the marketplace is an important part of my mission.
I’ve has served former Regional Directors such as Brian von Gruben, Paul Blewett, and Warren Dazzio and have worked more recently with Brian Beckham, John Knowles, and Stephen Henley to help stimulate growth in new chapters by delivering energizing talks that make both members and guests want to come back for more.
The most often requested talks from Legatus chapters are the practical ones that deal with better understanding and living our faith in the busy circumstances of everyday life:
1) Why be Catholic
2) Getting More out of the Mass
3) Keeping your Kids Catholic
For the full list of my talk topics, click here.
But the menue of my individual talks can be tailored to fit the typical 35 minute, after-dinner format of a Legatus event followed by a short but lively question and answer session.
Legatus Chapters Which Have Hosted Dr. Italy