The central act of worship in the Catholic Church is the Mass. Yet only a minority of Catholics bother to attend Mass these days, and many of those who do come late and leave early, apparently getting very little out of it. This talk asks the simple question, “what can we do to get more out of Mass?” With humorous stories and practical examples, Dr. Italy discloses how to unlock the power of Christ’s presence despite the distractions that often get in the way. Many of the illustrations, drawn from Dr. D’Ambrosio’s life and that of his family, make it clear that everyone, no matter how busy, can have a much deeper and more satisfying experience of Christ in the Mass. Those who attend this talk will never experience the Mass in quite the same way again!
Personal Prayer, Pathway to Joy
The essence of Christian faith is a personal, intimate relationship with God that transforms us and every aspect of our lives. This talk makes clear how daily prayer can help make this happen and provides practical tips on how to have a vibrant prayer life in the midst of a busy, active lifestyle. Whether you are an accomplished “prayer warrior” or a novice, there is something in this talk that will enrich and deepen your relationship with God!
“Who Needs Confession?”
Shows how confession is a liberating gift rather than an embarrassing burden. Since this talk dispels many of the common misconceptions about this sacrament, it has helped many find their way back to confession and has helped others find greater fruitfulness and frequency in their celebration of this sacrament. A particularly appropriate talk during the seasons of Advent and Lent.
The Sacraments: God’s Body Language
Reflecting on universal experience on the importance of non-verbal communication, especially in matters of love, this talk helps the audience see the sacraments as God’s body language, as seven different embraces of divine love that come to us in different critical moments of life.
Adoration: Why and How?
The celebration of the Eucharist is undoubtedly the “source and summit” of the Christian life to use the words of the Second Vatican Council. But what of the adoration of the eucharist outside of Mass? How are we to understand its purpose, value, and relationship to the Mass? Practically, what are we to do during the time we spend in the presence of the blessed sacrament. How can we maximize the fruit from this practice in our own experience and in the experience of our parish? These questions and more are answered by this enlightening talk.
Feast of Faith: The Transforming Power of the Eucharist
This seminar, given either in three or four talks, Dr. Italy takes participants on a journey of discovery, offering profound reflections on the “source and summit” of our faith as well as practical tips on how to make our experience of Mass more fruitful. How the mass is a sacrifice, how Christ is really present, and how we can better prepare ourselves so as to make weekly Mass a transformative event are all discussed, with a talk on adoration as the capstone.
The Sacrament of Confirmation has been called by some “the sacrament in search of a meaning.” Confusion abounds about what it means, why we need it, and what age is appropriate for its administration. This talk by Marcellino D’Ambrosio cuts through the confusion and brings out, in a lively and dynamic way, what the Scriptures and the Catholic tradition reveal about this powerful anointing of the Holy Spirit. Illustrating throughout from his own experience, Dr. D’Ambrosio shows how this sacrament is the key to understanding many dimensions of Catholic truth from the priesthood of the laity to the call of all Catholics to share the love and truth of Christ to the unique role of the bishop as successor of the apostles. Dr. D’Ambrosio has a version of this talk for confirmation candidates and sponsors, and a version for clergy and religious educators that is appropriate for catechetical conferences or clergy convocations.