Fresh Ways for the 40 Days – A New Lenten Approach – Podcast

This 5 minute podcast from the Sonrise Morning Show discusses Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio’s book, 40 Days, 40 Ways: A New Look on Lent.  The conversation between the author and Matt Swaim explores how this resource can give us a fresh perspective and new practical suggestions to make this Lenten season of forty days different from what we’ve experienced in the past.

In this Lenten podcast, Matt Swaim asks Dr. Italy about his new book, 40 Days, 40 Ways, A New Look at Lent (Servant Books).  In response, Marcellino D’Ambrosio explains the book’s aim to help people break out of “same old” stale Lenten patterns. The book does this by offering forty fresh Lenten ideas of how to combine prayer, fasting, and almsgiving.  The goal is to make us new people by the end of the season.

In fact, that’s what Lent is really about – lasting change!  Lent is all about embarking upon an quest to rediscover the Kingdom of God and allow it break more fully into our lives.

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After all, Lent and the entire Christian life are not supposed to be somber and dull.  Instead, Lent is really a time to ready ourselves to become champions.  Opening day in baseball comes after spring training.  Easter is preceded by the season of training that we call the forty days of Lent.   The Israelites wandered around the desert in circles for 40 years precisely because they did their training wrong, resisting the program that God designed for them.  Marcellino explains that his 40 Days 40 Ways help people put together a fresh Lenten program, drawn from the gospels and 2000 years of accumulated wisdom.  This  gives each person a customized track to run on that will make this the best Lent ever.

For a related post, read Dr. Italy’s 40 IDEAS TO GET MORE OUT OF LENT.

Dr. Italy appears weekly on the Sonrise Morning show, a production of Sacred Heart Radio.  This show is broadcast Monday through Friday over the EWTN Global Catholic Radio network.  EWTN has over 120 local affiliate stations in the US.   You can find podcasts from the Sonrise Morning show both on Sacred Heart radio site and

For more great Lenten resources, see the 40 DAYS OF LENT library of the Crossroads Initiative.

To subscribe to Dr. Italy’s weekly podcast and never miss an episode, visit or the Catholic Heritage with Dr Italy podcasts on iTunes

For a good summary of the biblical support for the Lenten Season, read Dave Armstrong’ post The Biblical Background for the Practice of Asceticism and the Season of Lent

banner image of a cross on a hill from Scopio, used with permission

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