Discipleship, Discipline, and Disciples – Podcast

7 minute podcast segment in which Dr. Italy is interviewed about the dynamics of discipleship and the paradox of freedom and rest through discipline.

The term discipleship has been heard a lot in the past few years.  Many parishes are writing mission statements these days calling their church a community of missionary disciples.

Few realize that the term “disciple” comes from the word discipline.  A disciple is a person who voluntarily places him or herself under the discipline of a master, much like Daniel, the “Karate Kid,” places himself under the discipline of Mr. Miyagi.

A good master often instructs the disciple to do things that appear tedious, difficult and perhaps even meaningless.  But they are designed to form habits and develop muscles that lead to strength and freedom.

In this segment of the Sonrise Morning show, host Anna Mitchell discusses the paradox of how the yoke of discipleship, when accepted in trust, leads to rest, refreshment and freedom, as Jesus promises in chapter 11 of Matthew’s gospel.

For an additional article and audio related to this topic, see MY YOKE IS EASY AND MY BURDEN LIGHT by Dr. Italy.

Dr. Italy appears weekly on the Sonrise Morning show, a production of Sacred Heart Radio.  You can listen to this show broadcast live Monday through Friday via the EWTN Global Catholic Radio, a network of over 120 local affiliate stations in the US.  You can find podcasts from the Sonrise Morning on both Sacred Heart radio site and www.crossroadsinitiative.com.

To subscribe to Dr. Italy’s weekly podcast and never miss an episode, visit http://crossroadsinitiative.libsyn.com/ or visit Catholic Heritage with Dr. Italy on Apple Podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/catholic-heritage-with-dr-italy/id1361237059

Featured Photo by Thao Le Hoang on Unsplash.

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