Ignatius of Antioch – Martyr & Apostolic Father – Video

In this video, Dr. Italy discusses the importance of Ignatius, 2nd successor to Peter, Paul, and Barnabas in the city of Antioch.  The precious 7 letters that survive from this father of the church are a precious testimony to the apostolic tradition.

Ignatius of Antioch

There are few more inspiring figures in the early Church than Ignatius of Antioch.  This courageous pastor, while being marched from Syria to Rome to die in the arena, shot off seven quick letters to the Christian Communities of Asia Minor (now Turkey).  In those letters he reveals the apostolic tradition on the humanity and divinity of Christ, on the way Christians are to understand Jewish institutions like the Sabbath, and on the position and understanding of the Eucharist.

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Apostolic Father and Martyr

One of the apostolic fathers, teachers who lived and taught immediately after the age of the apostles, Ignatius is a precious testimony to the teaching of the apostles and the practices and lifestyle of primitive Christianity.  This video, #5 in a series on the Catholic Theological Tradition, discusses what Ignatius teaches us about the faith and life of the Christian communities of Asia Minor just two generations after the apostles.

For more on this amazing apostolic father and martyr, read Ignatius of Antioch on the Humanity and Divinity of Christ by Dr. Italy.

This lecture is part of the course entitled Theology 503 – The Catholic Theological Tradition, which is a required course in the M.A. program of the Catholic Distance University (CDU).  For more information on the program and taking this and other courses for academic credit, visit the CDU Website.

This lecture is part of the course entitled Theology 503 – The Catholic Theological Tradition, which is a required course in the M.A. program of the Catholic Distance University (CDU).  For more information on the program and taking this and other courses for academic credit, visit the CDU Website.  For more videos from this course, see THE CATHOLIC THEOLOGICAL TRADITION LIBRARY at the Crossroads Initiative.

Banner/featured image Ignatius of Antiochie by Cesare Fracanzano. Public domain.

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