St. Hildegard of Bingen
In this 14 minute podcast, Dr. Italy discusses the inspiring life of the great f...
Many are aware that Catholics believe in “the real presence.” In this video, Dr. Italy explains the various ways that Jesus Christ is truly and really present in the Church’s liturgy, culminating in the Eucharist.
The “real presence” is a phrase that began to be used about 150 years ago by high-church Anglicans to affirm that the Eucharist was more than an empty symbol, that in the Mass, the Body of Jesus Christ is truly present. It has since become a phrase most commonly used by Catholics.
In this video, Catholic Distance University Professor Marcellino D’Ambrosio (aka “Dr. Italy”) explains that the Catholic Church actually believes and teaches that Christ is truly and really present in every liturgical celebration of the Church in a number of beautiful and powerful ways, the Blessed Sacrament being the most unique and powerful, the real presence par excellence.
This video on the real presence of Christ in the liturgy is #4 in Dr. Italy’s course for the Catholic Distance University on Liturgy and Sacraments (Theo 552). Click here to view the previous video in this course.
Click here to view the next and 5th video in this course on liturgy and sacraments
Banner/featured image of a Mass, a eucharistic celebration by Josh Applegate on Unsplash. Public domain.
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