St. Andrew Christmas Novena
This beautiful prayer is traditionally said 15 times a day, from the feast of St...
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This post looks at the original meaning of Lent in the early Church and shows us how Jesus’ dialogue with the Samaritan woman at the well can help us add another dimension to our understanding of the Lenten Season. To LISTEN to this post read by Dr. Italy, click on the play arrow on the left directly below this paragraph.
Lent is a time of introspection. We read Exodus, and watch the Israelites grumbling, even after the amazing things God had done for them (Ex 17:3-7).
In them, we recognize ourselves. For many of us, then, Lent is time for the spiritual equivalent of New Year’s resolutions. We set aside forty days to work on ourselves so we don’t end up wandering around in the wilderness for 40 years. We do things to burn off the excess fat that’s weighing us down, try to improve our spiritual diet, and do some meaningful spiritual exercises to strengthen the spiritual muscles we call “virtues.”
But in the early days of the Church, Lent was not so much a time to focus inward. It was time for Christians to focus outward. It is a time not just for personal growth, but for growth of the Church.
In the days of the Church Fathers, did the whole Church fast, pray, and give alms for the forty days preceding Easter?
Absolutely. But Catholics did this primarily for the sake of others rather than themselves. There were two groups of people that were the main beneficiaries of this prayer and penance: new Christians to be baptized at Easter and lapsed Catholics to be readmitted to communion. These two groups were themselves praying and fasting during Lent. Why? To break the power of darkness in preparation for baptism and penance. They were about to cross over the Jordan into the Promised Land.
We ought to recover this ancient tradition and do penance for and with those who will enter or return to the Church at Easter. But there is something else that we should do. There are millions more who should be returning or entering. We need to tell them about Jesus!
“Evangelism? Evangelization? Preaching? That’s not my personality!” “I need more education, first.” “I evangelize by example.”
But the second Vatican Council and all Popes since teach that all Catholics are called to evangelize . . . in both deed and word.
True, not everyone is a Fulton Sheen, and not everyone can manage to get a degree in theology. But the story of the Samaritan woman (John 4) teaches the kind of evangelization that all of us can certainly manage.
First, Jesus models it for us. He comes to a town where everyone is a member of a heretical sect and sits down by a well. A Samaritan woman comes to draw water. Keep in mind that Israelites usually don’t even talk to Samaritans, much less drink out of their ritually impure vessels. To boot, men usually don’t make conversation with women. But Jesus recognizes her existence and affirms her by being willing to accept a drink from her.
Once this Samaritan woman gets over her shock, a dialogue ensues. It starts out being about water, wells, Jews and Samaritans, but Jesus asks her questions that throw her off a bit and make her think. He finally asks a question that leads her to “fess up” and admit her need.
She’s hungry for love, and has run through quite a few partners looking for the real thing. Jesus’ soul-piercing glance tells her that his is the love she’s been looking for. She abandons her water jar and returns to town to tell everyone about Jesus.
Did she wait till she had a master’s degree in theology? Did she sit down with people and demonstrate from Scripture why he was the Messiah?
No. This Samaritan woman, who apparently had no credibility with anyone, simply told people, with joy, confidence, and conviction, what Jesus had done for her. Then she invited people to come and experience him for themselves.
That’s how a large portion of that heretical, Samaritan town came to believe. And that’s how a large portion of the Roman Empire came to believe. There were no crusades in stadiums, no TV preachers. Christians simply listened to neighbors and co-workers with respect and love, asked questions to find out their needs, and shared how Jesus had met similar needs in their lives. And then an invitation was issued to come check it out.
One of our more meaningful Lenten resolutions this year ought to be to get over our fear of sharing the good news, to be aware of the spiritual needs of those around us, share his love, and invite them to Church. More people are searching than you think. “The fields are white for harvest.” (John 4:35).
What to give up for Lent this year? How about your fear of rejection?!
This post on the meaning of Lent and the Samaritan Woman at the well is offered as a reflection on the Scripture readings for the 3rd Sunday in Lent, year A (Ex 17:1-7; Psalm 95, Romans 5:1-8 and John 4:5-42). These readings are also used for First Scrutiny in the Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults which takes place each year on the 3rd Sunday of Lent, so may be read in the Mass in Years B and C.
For another reflection on this topic, read St. Augustine’s thoughts on THE SAMARITAN WOMAN AT THE WELL.
For more great ideas for the Lenten Season, see the 40 DAYS OF LENT section of the Crossroads Initiative Library.
Banner/featured image of a well by Cristiano Galbiati on FreeImages. Public domain.
Posted at 01:06h, 15 MarchThis woman teaches us all we need to know about evangelism!
Judy Lyons
Posted at 13:48h, 15 MarchThis is one of my favorite readings. When working with RCIA candidates and catechumens, this reading was always powerful for them and it still is for me. Thank you for sharing this.
Leah Soldinie
Posted at 15:11h, 16 MarchWhere is the photo of the statues of Jesus and St. Photina from? I’ve never seen that – it is beautiful. Would love to visit.
Susan D'Ambrosio
Posted at 15:25h, 31 MarchLeah, I too was moved by this portrayal of Jesus’ encounter with the Samarian woman.
Statue of Jesus ‘staying at the well’ on Mount Nho in Vung Tau, Vietnam. At the top of this mountain is the Tuong Chua Kito Vua (Christ the King) statue.
Vung Tau
A bit far to visit, but I am sure it would make for an interesting trip!
Bob Bonnell
Posted at 17:13h, 30 JanuaryWonderful messages