
11/23 Columbanus

Columbanus (Columban) urges us to remember our dignity, created as we are in the image and likeness of God.  Since God is love, we must manifest love in our actions and our words, being especially careful lest we deface that image through careless use of...

Columban. also known as Columbanus, here shows passionate fire of his Celtic monastic spirituality. Commenting on Luke 12:37-38 where Jesus praises those servants who stay awake, their lamps brightly burning in expectation of the master's return, Columban asks that his lamp would burn brighly...

An intense tribute to God as the fountain of eternal life, light, and living water by the Irish monk Columbanus around the AD 600. [dropcaps type='normal' font_size='100' color='' background_color='' border_color='']B[/dropcaps]rethren, let us follow that vocation by which we are called from life to the fountain of...