
10/07 Our Lady of the Rosary

[dropcaps type='normal' font_size='100' color='' background_color='' border_color='']A[/dropcaps]n integral part of the rosary, indeed, the most essential part, is the meditation on the mysteries of the incarnation (joyful mysteries) and the redemption (the sorrowful and glorious mysteries). Yet there are different ways to meditate on the mysteries. One...

APOSTOLIC LETTER ROSARIUM VIRGINIS MARIAE OF THE SUPREME PONTIFF JOHN PAUL II TO THE BISHOPS, CLERGY AND FAITHFUL ON THE MOST HOLY ROSARY INTRODUCTION [dropcaps type='normal' font_size='65' color='' background_color='' border_color='']T[/dropcaps]he Rosary of the Virgin Mary, which gradually took form in the second millennium under the guidance of the Spirit of God, is a...