

Pope Paul VI was the first Pope we know of since Peter to return to the Holy Land on pilgrimage.  While in Nazareth in 1964, he spoke these words about the lessons we can learn from the everyday life of the Holy Family during the...

This Letter was written by St. Thomas More to his daughter Margaret (Meg) from his cell in the Tower of London where he had been imprisoned by King Henry VIII. Soon after writing this Letter, Thomas was condemned to death on trumped up charges....

[dropcaps type='normal' font_size='100' color='' background_color='' border_color='']T[/dropcaps]O HAVE THE TRUE SENTIMENT WHICH WE OUGHT TO HAVE IN THE CHURCH MILITANT Let the following Rules be observed. First Rule. The first: All judgment laid aside, we ought to have our mind ready and prompt to obey, in all, the...

Prayer written by Saint Thomas More while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London, awaiting execution by King Henry VIII....

John Paul II's proclamation of Saint Thomas More as Patron of Statesmen and Politicians, an example of moral integrity, a witness to the primacy of the truth over power and a defender of the inalienable dignity of the human conscience....

Jesus sacrifice of himself for our sake on the cross has brought redemption to the whole world, says St. John Fisher, the fifteenth century English bishop whose own self-sacrifice would recall that of his master....

Ad Tuendam Fidem Pope John Paul II's Apostolic Letter Motu Proprio, by which certain norms are inserted into the Code of Canon Law and into the Code of Canon of the Eastern Churches (May 28, 1998) (L'Osservatore Romano explanatory note: On January 9, 1989, the Congregation for the...

[dropcaps type='normal' font_size='100' color='' background_color='' border_color='']1[/dropcaps] Prayer Is a Means Necessary to Salvation. One of the errors of Pelagianism was the assertion that prayer is not necessary for salvation. Pelagius, the impious author of that heresy, said that man will only be damned for neglecting to know...

[dropcaps type='normal' font_size='100' color='' background_color='' border_color='']S[/dropcaps]aint John Vianney (The Cure of Ars)  CHAPTER 1 : Catechism on Salvation 2. CHAPTER 2 : Catechism on The Love of God 3. CHAPTER 3 : Catechism on The Holy Spirit 4. CHAPTER 4 : Catechism on the Blessed Virgin 5. CHAPTER 5 :...