
06/22 Thomas More & John Fisher

Prayer written by Saint Thomas More while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London, awaiting execution by King Henry VIII....

In this 14 minute podcast, Matt Swaim of the Sonrise Morning Show interviews Dr. Italy about St. Thomas More and his relevance for us today, in the struggles we face to maintain our integrity with courage in an increasingly hostile secular society. In the Roman liturgical...

In Luke 14, Jesus speaks some very disturbing words to anyone who wants to be his disciple. He talks about discipleship as requiring people to renounce not only their possessions but also their own life and family. The example of Thomas More shows...

This Letter was written by St. Thomas More to his daughter Margaret (Meg) from his cell in the Tower of London where he had been imprisoned by King Henry VIII. Soon after writing this Letter, Thomas was condemned to death on trumped up charges....

John Paul II's proclamation of Saint Thomas More as Patron of Statesmen and Politicians, an example of moral integrity, a witness to the primacy of the truth over power and a defender of the inalienable dignity of the human conscience....

Jesus sacrifice of himself for our sake on the cross has brought redemption to the whole world, says St. John Fisher, the fifteenth century English bishop whose own self-sacrifice would recall that of his master....