

Dr. Italy discusses in this podcast how can we find tranquility in the midst of turbulent times of turmoil.  The value of the famous Serenity Prayer. 2020 was a time of exceptional turmoil and disruption throughout the world due to the COVID 19 pandemic.  America, in...

Holy Week & Triduum Devotions: Sundown on Holy Thursday during Holy Week marks the beginning of three sacred days (Triduum) that changed the destiny of the human race. Here are some suggestions for prayer and reflection to help you make the most of Holy...

 6 min podcast by Dr. Italy discussing Bethany as a rest stop between Jericho and Jerusalem.  Describes the journey Jesus would have taken, his familiarity with a particular family of Bethany, and the help this provides in understanding the story of the raising of Lazarus. Jesus,...

The adulterous woman to whom Jesus said "neither do I condemn you, go and sin no more" was the recipient of the free gift of a grace that was costly, not cheap. The pardon of the adulteress, and all of us, cost Jesus his...

The story of the Prodigal or wasteful Son is more about the extravagant, loving Father. This story makes clear that God is not a raging tyrant who demands that must be appeased through the suffering of his Son, but rather that the extravagant love...

This post examines the relationship between the transfiguration and the passion of Christ, between Mount Tabor and Calvary. It also asks the question of of whether God the Father ever abandoned Jesus on the Cross. Helpful reading either for the Feast of the...

The key penitential practices of Lent-prayer, fasting, and almsgiving or mercy are here explained by one of the greatest preachers of the early Church. Saint Peter Chrysologus shows how Lenten prayer, mercy and fasting are one, and they give life to each other....