
Ordinary Time A

7 minute podcast by Dr. Italy focusing on the true meaning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus based on the chief scriptural text connected with this feast and devotion. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can be found throughout the ages but became particularly widespread...

Holy Thursday, the Lord's Supper, the institution of the Holy Eucharist, Corpus Christi -- What did Jesus mean when he said "This is my body and this is my blood" and "Do this in Memory of Me"? And what does the Catholic mean by...

Trinity Sunday celebrates the Church's faith in the triune God, one God in three persons. This doctrine has baffled people for 2,000 years. Given that it is so hard to accept, why bother with it? What difference does the trinitarian dogma really make to how...

There is a cost of discipleship -- Jesus sometimes calls us to leave behind professions, friends, even family. Does that mean that work and human relationships are at odds with growing in our relationship with God?...

The Feast of Christ the King reminds us that Jesus will judge the living and the dead. Matthew 25 hints that the pious, decent folk may be in for a surprise . . . sins of omission, failing to love, may figure more prominently...

A reflection about two passages from Scripture, Proverbs 31 and the parable of the talents from Matthew's Gospel, that demonstrate that faith entails the courage to take bold initiatives, to be creative, even entrepreneurial, to express our gratitude to God for all that He has...

The parable of the foolish virgins who let the oil in their lamps run out recalls the recurring nightmare that so many experience, of being caught totally unprepared for a test or presentation.  For the 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time, cycle A. To LISTEN to...

How did the Pharisees, who were God's champions in the days of the Maccabees, become the villains who sought the death of God's son?  They were deformed by an insidious spiritual disease that is the deadliest of the seven deadly or capital sins - pride....

When his enemies quiz him about what commandment is the greatest, Jesus reveals just how radical he really is.  His answer goes to the very root of every single one of the 613 commandments found in the law of the Old Testament - the distinct...

When the Pharisees and the Herodians brought up the issue of paying taxes to the Emperor, Jesus uttered the famous line "render to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's.  So what does this say about the role of government in our...