

This beautiful prayer is traditionally said 15 times a day, from the feast of St. Andrew through Christmas Eve.  While novenas are usually prayed for 9 days, this one lasts for 25, overlapping most if not all of the season of Advent. [dropcaps type='normal' font_size='100' color=''...

Before thanksgiving was an American holiday, it was a way of life for Jews and Christians alike, indeed a hallmark of the Judeo-Christian tradition. All ancient peoples gave thanks for creation; only Jews and Christians believe that God acted decisively in history to secure...

Prayer & table blessing for Thanksgiving Day. In the United States, Thanksgiving Day is a holiday with special religious significance. Originally it was celebrated by the Pilgrims and the Native Americans to give thanks to God after the harvest of 1621. In 1863 President...

Charles Borromeo, the bishop apostle of Northern Italy during the Catholic Reformation, on the primacy of prayer, read on his feast day, November 4. Though he is here addressing priests, his advice on meditation, distractions and recollection is valuable for all Christians....

A 16 minute podcast in which Sonrise Morning show host Ryan Lopez asks Dr. Italy some insightful questions about the rosary as a contemplative and Christ-centered prayer, Mary as the first contemplative, fruitful meditation on the mysteries, and practical tips on unlocking the power of...

St. Pope Pius X on the psalms which play a central role in the continual sacrifice of praise which is the divine liturgy of the Church. Singing the psalms is the best way to praise and bless God due to their inspiration by the Holy...

Luke's story of Mary and Martha of Bethany, sisters of Lazarus, teaches us about hospitality, service, action and contemplation, and distraction in pursuit of the Catholic Fullness....

Here, an early biographer tells the story of the conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola and what it taught him about the discernment of spirits.  Ignatius is remember by the Catholic Church on July 31....

St. Romuald was born in Ravenna, Italy in the middle of the tenth century.  He was a mystic who led the life of a hermit, traveling through various regions seeking solitude and establishing small monasteries.  Here St. Peter Damian gives us some insight into the...

Prayer written by Saint Thomas More while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London, awaiting execution by King Henry VIII....