
Liturgy of the Hours

St. Pope Pius X on the psalms which play a central role in the continual sacrifice of praise which is the divine liturgy of the Church. Singing the psalms is the best way to praise and bless God due to their inspiration by the Holy...

Video 6 in Liturgy & Sacraments seies by Dr. Italy that explains how the roots of the Church's liturgical year and cycle of feasts are to be found in the celebrations of ancient Israel as shown in the Old Testament Scriptures. To understand the liturgical cycle...

Augustine tells Proba that praying always through the desire of the heart does not mean we should not frequent pray formally, at appointed hours, using words.  Without such formal prayer at set times, desire would grow cold....

St. Ambrose here provides a poetic and moving description of the role of the book of psalms in the prayer life of the Church. Though many devotional prayers are are to be found in the treasury of the Christian Tradition, it is the psalter...

Video explaining the fascinating relationship between liturgy and Tradition, by Dr. Italy.  Video #5 in his course on Liturgy and Sacraments for the Catholic Distance University. The liturgy of the Catholic Church arises from Scripture and is itself full of scripture readings and scriptural prayers.  But...