Archangels Michael, Gabriel & Raphael – Gregory the Great
St. Gregory the Great teaches us about the Archangels and why they are distinct from angels. For the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael on September 29....
St. Gregory the Great teaches us about the Archangels and why they are distinct from angels. For the Feast of Saints Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael on September 29....
Gregory the Great here reflects on Jesus words in John 10 that he is the Good Shepherd who lays down his life for his sheep....
Gregory the Great here reccounts a famous story of a very special encounter between Scholastica and her brother, the great abbot Benedict. St. Scholastica was born at Norcia (Nursia) Italy about the year 480. She vowed herself to seek God in religious life and...
Gregory the Great here discusses the Lord's exhortation to pray for preachers of the gospel who are true laborers since the harvest is great but the serious laborers are few. It is fittingly read on the St. Luke the Evangelist on October 18....
A podcast in which host Sonrise Morning show host Anna Mitchell quizzes Dr. Italy about the life and impact of Pope St. Gregory the Great on the occasion of his feast day, September 3....
St. Gregory the Great's commentary on the Apostle Thomas and his struggle with doubt. It makes for especially good reading for the Octave of Easter or the Feast of St. Thomas, the Apostle, which since the fourth century has been commemorated on July 3,...
Gregory the Great coaches pastors and teachers how to avoid pride. He insists that teaching with authority does not mean belittling and dominating one's students, but modeling in one's life and actions the principles being preached. The apostles Paul and Peter both modeled this....
Since dawn goes from darkness into light, the Church should be called “dawn” or “first light” says Gregory the Great...
These words from Gregory the Great's Moral Reflections on Job extols how the law of the Lord is manifold in that it includes all the virtues which find their perfection in love. Here he especially comments on Paul's ode to love in I Corinthians 13. How...
Gregory the Great explains the nature of true simplicity making use of the example of Job as well as the Gospel saying of Jesus "Be cunning as serpents and yet as harmless as doves." For him simplicity must be accompanied by the fire...