

"Exultet"is the opening word in Latin of The Easter Proclamation, an ancient hymn sung by the deacon over the Easter candle which is lit at the start of the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday evening which celebrates the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. The...

This excerpt on the Easter Alleluia from St. Augustine is a wonderful explanation of the joy of the Easter Season. Just as Lent was a season of penance, so the fifty days of Easter is a season of praise, an anticipation for the age to...

The meaning of Easter is more than springtime and dyed eggs. The significance of Easter is that not only sin but death has been conquered by the risen Christ who foretold his own resurrection from the dead before he gave his life for us on...

In this 14 minute podcast, Anna Mitchell of the Sonrise Morning Show interviews Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio about his numerous visits to the empty tomb of Jesus Christ in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. The Gospel of John tells us that, after the body...

This classic Paschal or Easter Sermon is from Saint John Chrysostom, fifth century early church father and one of the greatest preachers of all time. This homily for Holy Pascha exhorts all, even those who have not kept the Lenten fast, to rejoice and enter...

This article uses Aslan, the central figure in the well-known story of C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, to illuminate the meaning of the resurrection of the Lord and the "deep magic" of God's plan of salvation celebrated on Easter....

The origins of the Papacy can be found in the dialogue between Jesus and Simon Peter in John 21, a gospel traditionally read during Eastertide. The question,"Peter, do you love me?" is followed by the command "Feed my sheep." The pope,...

This resurrection sermon by St. Maximus of Turin hits on many of the same themes and images of the Exultet Hymn that is sung every year in the Easter vigil of the Roman liturgy proclaiming "Christ, our light, our endless day, is risen!" ...