
Ordinary Time C

Jesus' parable of the Prodigal Son and Israel's worship of the Golden Calf at the foot of Mt. Sinai are some of the best known of all Bible stories. The connection? Maybe they both reveal much about the nature of sin, grace ....

In Luke 14, Jesus speaks some very disturbing words to anyone who wants to be his disciple. He talks about discipleship as requiring people to renounce not only their possessions but also their own life and family. The example of Thomas More shows...

In the topsy turvey world of the Kingdom of God humility opens doors, the last shall be first and the meek shall inherit the earth. Meekness is not weakness, & pride is a symptom of insanity. This post explains why....

The prophets of the Old and New Testaments show us that sometimes love demand that we speak truth that people don't want to hear. Jeremiah was thrown into a cistern; Jesus was run out of Nazaret. This shows us that God's messengers shouldn't expect...

Jesus' call to enter through the narrow door seems to conflict with the idea that God wants all to be saved, that the universal, Catholic Church means "here comes everybody." But a deeper look resolves the inconsistency....

Faith or belief is more than conviction that God exists. Authentic Christian faith is a dynamic journey of trust, confidence, and commitment that involves no small amount of risk taking....

The story of the rich man in Luke 12 who gloats over his bumper harvest brings up a good question - is money and success evil? Augustine, following Paul, says it's not money but the love of money that's the problem....

The Lord's Prayer, commonly known as the "Our Father," is known said so often that we can forget how extraordinary it is to call the Creator of the Universe "Abba." "Thy Kingdom Come" means that we pray for his will, not ours....

The famous parable of the Good Samaritan shows that mercy and compassion are not always convenient, and that love of neighbor can't be limited to those like us...