
Christ (Messiah)

Here Faustinus shows how our Savior Jesus Christ was anointed with the Holy Spirit, the oil of gladness, as both priest and king. In this he is unlike all Old Testament figures except Melchizedek. It is used in the Roman Catholic Office of Readings for...

Jesus did not arrive on the scene to patch up an old system.  He is the bridegroom who turns water into wine and makes all things new....

2 minute trailer for the new video Bible Study series from Ascension Press, Jesus: the Way, the Truth and the Life, by Jeff Cavins, Marcellino D'Ambrosio ("Dr. Italy").  A virtual tour of the Holy Land that will help you make Jesus more the center of...

The Messianic Secret -- why does Jesus not want the word to get out that he is the Messiah?? Could it have something to do with the cross and the enigma that the only way to find yourself is to lose yourself?...