St. Agatha – Methodius of Sicily
St. Methodius of Sicily reflects on the witness of St. Agatha, virgin, martyr and bride of Christ....
St. Methodius of Sicily reflects on the witness of St. Agatha, virgin, martyr and bride of Christ....
Eye-witness of the 16th century martyrdom of Japanese Martyrs, the Jesuit Paul Miki and companions. For their feast day on February 6....
John Chrysostom here gives eloquent praise to the passionate love of Christ that drove St. Paul to face persecution and hardship with joy and leave behind the honors and benefits of the world. It is read each year on January 25, the Feast of the...
Sonrise Morning show hostess Anna Mitchell and Dr. Italy discuss a saint whose story caused a sensation in the Roman world of the fourth century - This 14 minute podcast focuses on the first St. Anthony, a hermit and abbot, who was renown for his...
January 1 is a Holy Day of Obligation for Catholics not because it is New Years, but because it is the octave (8th day) of Christmas, the feast of Mary the Mother of God. This feast helps bring home the reality of the incarnation, that...
December 26, The Second Day of Christmas, has been observed as the Feast Day of Saint Stephen, Protomartyr, since at least the fifth century. Fulgentius of Ruspe, a North African bishop, here notes how fitting it is that the birthday of love should be followed...
John the Baptist is often thought of as a stern, grim figure. But as a matter of fact, he could be the patron saint of joy! Maybe that's why is is the focal point of the gospel for Gaudete or Rejoice Sunday, the...
This excerpt from St. Augustine's Treatise on John's Gospel (Tract. 123, 5: CCL 36, 678-680) is read on the feast day of St. Nicholas, December 6. It focuses on the real meaning of the gift-giving for which St. Nicholas is famous--the self-giving love of a...
The story of St. Martin of Tours, the fourth century soldier turned bishop turned saint, as told by his contemporary, Sulpicius Severus....
Pope Pius XI on St. Josaphat, martyr and apostle of unity. Born in the Ukraine to Orthodox parents in 1580, St. Josaphat embraced the Catholic faith and became a Basilian monk. Ordained to the priesthood and chosen bishop of Polock, he worked for the unity...