

In this podcast Dr. Italy describes the great Carmelite mystic, Teresa of Avila, pointing out how she combined practical wisdom, mysticism and a sense of  humor in an extraordinary way. St. Teresa of Avila is rightly known as a towering figure in the history of the...

Dr. Italy discusses the Capuchin friar Padre Pio who in his lifetime was first famous in Italy and then the whole world for his stigmata and miracles worked through his intercession.  How Christ's power is made perfect in weakness. The first thing people think about when...

7 min podcast of Dr. Italy discussing the amazing story of Edith Stein, aka St. Benedicta of the Cross, philosopher, mystic, martyr. In this brief excerpt from the Sonrise Morning Show, Dr. Italy introduces listeners to the fascinating story of Edith Stein, born into an observant...

Here, an early biographer tells the story of the conversion of St. Ignatius of Loyola and what it taught him about the discernment of spirits.  Ignatius is remember by the Catholic Church on July 31....

In this 14 minute podcast, Matt Swaim of the Sonrise Morning Show interviews Dr. Italy about St. Thomas More and his relevance for us today, in the struggles we face to maintain our integrity with courage in an increasingly hostile secular society. In the Roman liturgical...

In Luke 14, Jesus speaks some very disturbing words to anyone who wants to be his disciple. He talks about discipleship as requiring people to renounce not only their possessions but also their own life and family. The example of Thomas More shows...

Into Death and Beyond it is an inspiring short film  of the last days of St. Maximilian Kolbe and the prisoners with whom he was confined in the starvation bunker of Auschwitz.   Little is known for certain about what transpired in the starvation bunker at Auschwitz...

5 min podcast discussing Terence Malick's film, A Hidden Life, which tells the story of World War II martyr of conscience, Blessed Franz Jagerstatter and his equally heroic wife Fani. Terence Malick recently directed a film about a simple Austrian farming couple whose alpine paradise was...