
06 – June

 John Chrysostom here gives eloquent praise to the passionate love of Christ that drove St. Paul to face persecution and hardship with joy and leave behind the honors and benefits of the world.  It is read each year on January 25, the Feast of the...

St. Romuald was born in Ravenna, Italy in the middle of the tenth century.  He was a mystic who led the life of a hermit, traveling through various regions seeking solitude and establishing small monasteries.  Here St. Peter Damian gives us some insight into the...

Prayer written by Saint Thomas More while he was imprisoned in the Tower of London, awaiting execution by King Henry VIII....

A podcast in which host Sonrise Morning show host Anna Mitchell asks Dr. Italy some interesting questions raised by the observance of Father's Day, whether it is still legitimate, in this day and age, to call God "Father."  Isn't the "fatherhood" of God politically incorrect? Father's...

7 minute podcast by Dr. Italy focusing on the true meaning of the Sacred Heart of Jesus based on the chief scriptural text connected with this feast and devotion. Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus can be found throughout the ages but became particularly widespread...

When we think about the Pope, we often think of the Vatican. But the roots of the Papacy are in the Old Testament as well as in the Gospel story of Jesus changing Simon's name to Peter and giving him the keys of the...