Envy, one of the seven deadly sins, is different from mere jealousy - it is darker and much more dangerous. Yet its cunning can be - and has been - defeated....
How did the Pharisees, who were God's champions in the days of the Maccabees, become the villains who sought the death of God's son? They were deformed by an insidious spiritual disease that is the deadliest of the seven deadly or capital sins - pride....
Why would people decline a royal invitation to a wedding feast fit for a king? This parable of Jesus describes a situation we see around us everyday - pervasive apathy in the face of the offer of salvation and eternal life in the Kingdom of...
The Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes challenge us all. When Jesus praises the poor in spirit and those hungry for righteousness, he is also condemning the self-satisfaction that leads to sloth, a deadly disease that's risen to epic proportions in the Western...
Luke, chapter 16, tells the story of the Rich man and the Beggar, Dives and Lazarus. It shows how some choices we make lead to addictions that can determine our eternal destiny. Gluttony, one of the 7 Deadly Sins, is a poison that has an...
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