

14 minute podcast in which Dr. Italy tells the fuller story of St. Maximilian Kolbe, the Chaplain of Auschwitz.. Few know the extent of his heroic charity before he volunteered to die in the place of another, or the days after his fateful decision....

The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew's gospel includes such tough such as love your enemies, turn the other cheek, and judge not. How are we to understand such things and put them into practice? The examples of Jesus & St. Thomas More...

Timeline and biographical highlights of the great 20th century Capuchin Franciscan Saint, Padre Pio of Pietralcina whose feast day is September 23.  Comments and bio by Dr. Italy....

In his homily at the canonization of St. Maria Goretti, a paragon of chastity and purity, Pope Pius XII notes how the example of her life and death is a call to all Christians to a persistent, even relentless pursuit of virtue and perfection....

Pope Pius XI on St. Josaphat, martyr and apostle of unity.  Born in the Ukraine to Orthodox parents in 1580, St. Josaphat embraced the Catholic faith and became a Basilian monk. Ordained to the priesthood and chosen bishop of Polock, he worked for the unity...

Mother Teresa is best known for her dedication to serving the poorest of the poor as a witness to the Gospel of Mercy. Yet that did not prevent her from speaking out about abortion, an issue that some believe is a political or religious...

It is fitting that Pope John XXIII be canonized a saint by Pope Francis -- they share a focus on humility, prayer, the surprises of the Holy Spirit and breaking papal protocol to draw near to the simple people, Catholics and non-Catholics, believers and non-believers....

John Paul II's proclamation of Saint Thomas More as Patron of Statesmen and Politicians, an example of moral integrity, a witness to the primacy of the truth over power and a defender of the inalienable dignity of the human conscience....