

In this 8 minute podcast describing the majestic summit of Mount Tabor, the traditional site of the Transfiguration of Jesus.  Dr. Italy, who has visited Mt. Tabor nearly thirty times, explains the beauty of the place itself and the view of Galilee and Samaria from...

Podcast discussing the amazing Roman basilica that goes all the way back to the new testament period, San Clemente, dedicated to Clement of Rome, third successor of Peter. Rome has a multitude of Churches.  When people think "basilica," St. Peter's comes to mind.  Some also think...

Podcast by Dr. Italy on Florence, the Renaissance city, and what the art of Michelangelo teaches us about Catholic Culture and life.  With images of sites and churches of Florence that he will visit on his upcoming Italy pilgrimage. Everyone visits Florence for its rich culture,...

[dropcaps type='normal' font_size='65' color='' background_color='' border_color='']W[/dropcaps]ant to learn a foreign language?  Everyone knows the best way is immersion.  Put yourself where that language is spoken, experience the culture of the people, and pick it up by osmosis. The same thing is true about the Catholic Tradition. ...

This 14 minute podcast features Anna Mitchell, host of the Sonrise Morning Show, interviewing Dr. Italy on what light his experience in the Holy Land can shed on the events of Good Friday on the Via Dolorosa and Calvary. On Good Friday, Christians remember the passion...

Podcast discussing an amazing opportunity to celebrate the end of pandemic confinement - pilgrimage to Fatima & Compostela including a Spain/Portugal River Cruise. It's been a long time that travel and freedom have been restricted due to the Covid-19 pandemic.  But restrictions are about to be...

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